• Anis Lutfiati Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah
Keywords: Score Card, Penilaian Kinerja Sungai


Evaluation activity should basically clear and provide context for the improvement of
management processes for the better future . This should be realized by every management within
the company wherever located . Clarity measurement tools will help achieve the objectives of the
company later . One of the measuring instruments are applied is BSC (Balance Score Card ).
BSC Assist management to evaluate and help correct the exact performance of the company.
At first , the BSC is used to improve executive performance measurement system. Early use of the
executive's performance is measured only in terms of finances. Then developed into a more
spacious with four perspectives, which are then used to measure the performance of the
organization as a whole . The four perspectives, namely financial, customer, internal business
processes and learning and growth .
In the development of the BSC has helped many companies to successfully achieve its goals. BSC
has several advantages that are not owned traditional systems management strategy. The
advantages of the BSC approach in the strategic planning system is able to produce a strategic
plan, which has the characteristics : a comprehensive, coherent, balanced and measured .
Basin , is an area that needs attention . Governments and communities must work together to
achieve clean rivers, healthy, and productive and provide sustainable benefits to the surrounding
community. If the indicators are assessed in the score card is identical to the indicators used in
the monitoring and evaluation of the basin, the score card is also a tool for monitoring and
evaluation of the river basin
