Al-Risalah : Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam 2024-07-02T12:11:25+00:00 Dr. Badrah Uyuni, MA Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Al-Risalah : Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam</strong> (e-ISSN <a href=";1567416593&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2686-2107</a> | p-ISSN <a href=";1329223232&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2085-5818</a>)</p> <p><strong>Al-Risalah : Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam</strong> publishes original researches in multi concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms and methodologies on da’wah,&nbsp;thought and Islamic education studies related to the social and cultural context in Indonesia and global Islamic society.</p> <p><strong>Al-Risalah : Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam</strong> covers paradigms and methodologies on da’wah,&nbsp;thought and Islamic education studies. The journal is published twice a year (every January and June), and each publication contains ten articles in the field of da’wah,&nbsp;thought and Islamic education studies therefore in a year, the journal publishes twenty articles. The journal presents qualified scholarly articles, which always place Islamic education studies in the central focus of academic inquiry. This journal is a forum for debate for scholars and professionals concerned with Islamic education studies within local and challenging global contexts. The journal invites any comprehensive observation of Islamic education studies as a system of norms in Muslim society. The journal has become a medium of diffusion and exchange of ideas and research findings, so much so that researchers, writers, and readers have interacted in a scholarly manner.</p> <p><strong>Al-Risalah : Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam</strong> has been nationally accredited by the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency with Sinta Grade 4&nbsp;(S4)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> OSI AND TCP/IP REFERENCE MODELS IN ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT AND THOUGHT AND THE HISTORY OF DISCOVERY IN THE HEYDAY OF ISLAM 2024-05-03T04:34:37+00:00 Eka Ramdan Permana Fajar Nugraha Wahyu Handri Taufik Thoyyibah T <p>In the development of information technology, the reference model of OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) and TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) has become the main foundation in the design and implementation of computer networks. However, the relationship between these models and Islamic thought and the history of discovery in the heyday of Islam has not been discussed in much depth.</p> <p>In this journal, we examine both reference models and relate them to Islamic thought and the history of discovery in the heyday of Islam. We highlight concepts in the OSI and TCP/IP models that may have relevance to values, principles, or scholarly contributions established by Muslim scholars in the past. also reviews how these models can provide inspiration in developing contemporary Islamic thought, especially in the context of information and communication technology. In addition, we discuss the history of inventions in the heyday of Islam to provide an in-depth historical context related to the development of modern information technology. It is expected to contribute to the understanding of the relationship between Islamic thought and modern information technology, as well as stimulate further discussion and research in this field.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## AN ASSESSMENT OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF SOKOTO JIHAD LEADERS TO GOOD GOVERNANCE 2024-06-17T04:38:07+00:00 Faruk Siddik Tilli <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><br><br></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The research paper an assessment of the contribution of Sokoto Jihad leaders to good governance is aims at reveal the Contributions of the Leaders of Sokoto Jihad to good governance. It studied the literature of activities of the Jihad leaders and their practice of good governance. The Jihad carried out by prominent Muslim Scholars and reformers under the leadership of Shaykh Usmanu Dan Fodiyo was a significant historical event that shaped the political landscape of the region that is now called northern Nigeria in the nineteenth century. The paper also looked at the political situation of Hausaland before the Jihad and how it was administered before the emergence of the Sokoto Caliphate. This study seeks to explore the role played by these Leaders in promoting good governance principles and its impact on the socio-political development of Hausaland. The paper employs a qualitative research methodology, utilizing historical analysis and literature review. Primary and secondary sources such as historical texts, scholarly writings and relevant documents were consulted to gather the required information.</p> 2024-06-07T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## CONTEXTUALIZATION OF THE MEANING OF KAFA>'AH IN QS. AN-NUR [24]: 26 2024-06-17T04:36:00+00:00 Faiqoh Naufalia Arrozi Abu Bakar <p><em>Kafa&gt;‘ah</em> in Islamic law is the compatibility between men and women. Although it is not included in the valid requirements of marriage, it is important to pay attention to the concept of <em>kafa&gt;‘ah</em>, which in this case is implicitly mentioned in the Qur'an. One of them is QS. An-Nur verse 26. It implies that a good woman will get a good man, and vice versa. This will be connected with what often happens among the habaib. Sharifah is not allowed to marry a non Sayyid. Kafa&gt;ah how is meant in the verse when associated with this modern era.&nbsp; So this study will be studied about how the contextual meaning of QS. An-Nur verse 26 uses Abdullah Saeed's contextual interpretation. This type of research is library research (literature) and uses descriptive-analytical methods. It starts by explaining the meaning of <em>kafa&gt;‘ah</em>, Abdullah Saeed's contextual interpretation theory, and applying the contextual theory to. This research reviews the meaning of <em>kafa&gt;‘ah</em> in QS. An-Nur verse 26 with Abdullah Saeed's contextual approach. The results show that <em>kafa&gt;‘ah</em> in marriage does not only include aspects of nasab, religion, morals, wealth, and position but also takes into account the feelings between partners. This allows them to understand, support, and appreciate each other in all aspects of life, facing trials and challenges together.</p> 2024-06-07T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## MARRIAGE AND ITS LESSON FROM AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE 2024-06-17T07:28:38+00:00 Ifham Choli Etika Nailur Rahma Neneng Munajah <p>Marriage is an effort so that humans can fulfill their needs without losing their high and noble level of humanity. Marriage also maintains the bloodline in the process of human regeneration. With marriage, kinship and people's statuses become clear. Marriage in Islam is to form a family marriage as a means to achieve happiness in life. Islam also teaches that marriage is an event that should be welcomed with gratitude and joy. Islam provides a clear concept regarding the procedures or process of a marriage that is based on the Koran and Sunnah. The research methodology used in this research is a qualitative research method with observation-based data collection techniques. The aim of this research is to find out how marriages are arranged in Islam and what the wisdom of marriage is so that a happy family, a family that is calm, peaceful and full of joy, will be created. love is based on faith and devotion to Allah SWT.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE QURANIC GUIDANCE FOR ADDRESSING THE FOOD CRISIS 2024-06-17T07:36:38+00:00 Hadi Yasin Abd Muid N <p>This research supports the theory of green economy. However, in the Quran, the concept of a green economy encompasses three important dimensions: Spiritual (Ruhiyah), Physical (Badaniyah), and Social (Ijtimaiyah). The Spiritual dimension includes values such as sincerity (Ikhlas), where every activity should be intended solely for Allah SWT, embodying the principles of Tawhid. Humans are merely custodians of the earth, not true owners. This dimension also includes the value of balance (Mizan), emphasizing the importance of balancing the relationship between humans and Allah (Hablun Minallah) and between humans and other beings (Hablun Minannas). This fosters sustainability, as illustrated in the story of Prophet Yusuf AS, promoting patience, steadfastness, and moderation in resource use to ensure the well-being of future generations. Leadership and trustworthiness (Amanah), described as khilafah in the Quran, also fall under this dimension, advocating for just, clean, and good governance.</p> <p>&nbsp;The Physical dimension includes the value of action (Harakiyah) for achieving blessings (Al-harakah-barakah) and the necessity to honor food as a provision from Allah, avoiding wastefulness (Israf), and promoting food saving practices. The Social dimension emphasizes equality and justice in addressing food crises, avoiding corruption, and preventing harm.</p> <p>The research aligns with opinions from figures and academics such as Antonio Guterres (FAO), Ahmad Mubariq (2010), Arief Anshory Yusuf (2018), Joel Makower (2008), Miguel Mendonca, David Jacobs, and Benjamin K. Sovacool (2009). It diverges from the views of anthropocentric scholars like Eugene Hargrove, Mark Sagoff, and Paul Burkett (2018, Red Economy theory).</p> <p>&nbsp;The study uses a qualitative method, gathering data from library research, and employs the thematic interpretation method (Tafsir Maudhû’i).</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE POSITION OF WAKAF IN ISLAMIC LAW AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION IN INDONESIA 2024-06-17T09:21:29+00:00 Sofia Fahrany Siti Nur Intihani <p>Waqf is the legal action of the Wakif (the person who gives the Waqf) to separate and/or hand over part of his property to be used forever or for a certain period of time in accordance with his interests for the purposes of worship and/or general welfare according to sharia. Waqf is a sacred and noble legal act and as shodaqoh jariyah, as long as the items donated can be used by people who need them, the rewards will continue to flow even if the Wakif has died. The problems studied are: a) how to regulate Waqf according to Islamic law; b) how is the implementation of Waqf in Indonesia; c) how to resolve Waqf disputes in Indonesia. In this research, the author uses a normative juridical approach method. In normative legal research, secondary data will be examined which includes primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials, namely statutory regulations, Religious Court Decisions and Books and Journals. The research results illustrate that Waqf has been prescribed and has been implemented by Muslims since the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the order for Waqf is contained in the Koran (QS Al-Baqarah verses 261 and 267, QS Al Maidah verse 2, QS Ali Imron verse 92, QS. Al -Hajj verse 77). The implementation of Waqf in Indonesia is regulated in Law Number 41 of 2004 concerning Waqf, its Implementing Regulations and the Compilation of Islamic Law. The pillars of Waqf include: 1) Wakif (person who is waqf), 2) Mauquf bih (Wakf assets), 3) Mauquf 'alaih (purpose of Waqf), 4) Shighat (statement or Pledge of Waqif as a will to donate part of his property) , 5) Nadzir (waqf manager) and 6) Waqf term. Resolving waqf disputes is achieved through deliberation to reach consensus. If resolution through deliberation is not successful, the dispute can be resolved through mediation, arbitration or the Religious Courts. Several cases regarding waqf have been examined and decided by the Religious Courts in Indonesia.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## HUMANBEINGS IN ISLAM AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS IN EDUCATION 2024-06-17T10:15:36+00:00 Sutiono Sutiono <p>In Islam, humans are entities with two dimensions: the material dimension (body) and the immaterial dimension (soul, spirit, mind, etc.). The body will perish with death, while the soul remains and will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment (Qur'an, Yasin 36:78-79). Humans are noble creatures, even more noble than angels (Qur'an, al-Hijr 15:29). Furthermore, humans are the only beings that receive significant attention in Islam, as evidenced by the numerous verses in the Qur'an that discuss humans from various aspects, including the different names given in the Qur'an to refer to humans, such as insan, ins, al-nas, unas, and basyar, and their implications in education. The method or approach used in this research is qualitative. Qualitative research explains and analyzes phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes, and perceptions of individuals or groups toward something. Qualitative research is scientific research that emphasizes the natural characteristics of the data sources.</p> <p>Based on the results of the research and analysis from various literature sources, the Islamic concept of human nature, as expressed by the terms al-insan, al-nas, and al-basyar, provides a balance between human rights and obligations as individuals, social beings, and cultural entities, as creatures of Allah SWT. Thus, if Islamic education only emphasizes the formation of a Muslim personality capable of devotion, worship, and possessing noble character, it will only produce individual piety while neglecting the mastery of science and technology. Consequently, scientific and technological advancements will be dominated by other communities. Conversely, if Islamic education focuses solely on forming a caliph on earth capable of mastering science and technology to manage nature for worldly prosperity, without balancing their role as servants of Allah SWT, humans may become intelligent but their souls and hearts will be devoid of divine light. Therefore, Islamic education should aim to develop the full potential of humans in concrete forms, possessing competencies that include both hard and soft skills. The three domains of education, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor, should be achieved, so the outcome of Islamic education becomes perfect.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## RECONSIDERING BETWEEN REASON AND REVELATION IN ISLAMIC LEGAL PHILOSOPHY 2024-06-17T11:31:14+00:00 Muhammad Hidayat <p><em>This research aims to discuss reason and revelation in the context of Islamic Legal Philosophy, with a focus on their respective roles in the law-making process. Exploring how these two elements interact in the determination of Islamic law. The formulation of the problem raised is how reason and revelation complement each other in forming a relevant and dynamic legal basis. The research method used is a literature review with a descriptive-analytical approach, which involves text analysis of scientific publications and works relevant to the study theme. The research results show that revelation holds the highest authority as a source of law, while reason functions as a methodological tool for understanding and applying revelation in changing contexts. Even though reason has limitations, its role is very important because revelation must always be related to benefit as the main goal of Islamic law. Supervision of the use of reason is necessary to ensure conformity with the principles of revelation. This research confirms that reason and revelation in Islamic Legal Philosophy have a mutually reinforcing relationship, and the two cannot be separated. The power of reason in understanding revelation ensures the relevance of Islamic law to changing times.</em></p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE RELEVANCE OF ISLAMIC APPROACH TO TRIBAL CRISIS IN KADUNA STATE 2024-06-17T12:05:13+00:00 Umma Katume Dallami Abubakar Muhammad Shitu <p>This study "the relevant of Islamic teachings against ethnic unrest in Kaduna state" was motivated as a result of the unceasing political pandemonium that triggered numerous tribal feuds, religious and ethnic misunderstandings in Kaduna State, which have caused enormous loss of lives and wealth. In view of this, the research tends to examine the Islamic approach to tribal differences in relation to tribal crisis in Kaduna state, also to deliberate on the significance of discarding tribal differences to unity on the basis of Shari’ah guidance as relate to Kaduna State, and to assess the implications and challenges of upholding tribal differences as a basis of disunity in Kaduna state. For this, the research adopted survey research design where necessary data was collected. Kaduna State had over 50 tribes with over 6,113,503 populations and three Zones. 350 same questionnaires were administered in the three Zones for the three categories of respondents. 65 questionnaires were administered to academic scholars, where 59 questionnaires were retrieved. 85 questionnaires were administered to non-academic scholars, where 81 questionnaires were retrieved. Again 200 questionnaires were administered to public, where 193 questionnaires were retrieved. Simple percentage was used to analyze the data collected, which paved way for the discussion of the major findings of the research.; The research recommends that; Muslims should strictly adhere to the approach to tribal differences in relation to tribal crisis in Kaduna State of Islam for the enhancement of peaceful coexistence and Muslims scholars should emphasize preaching against unemployment or redundancy among Muslim youth in the State, and as well educate people about the essence of unity and the implication of tribalism in our localities.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ظاهرة الخلافية الفروعية في إندونيسيا: الأثر والحل من منظور الدعوة 2024-06-17T12:34:20+00:00 Muhammad Ridwan Yahya Siti Nuri Nurhaidah Usman Umar Haris Hakam <p><em>ظاهرة الخلافية الفروعية في إندونيسيا هي حدث مثير للجدل ينطوي على اختلافات في الرأي حول قضايا ثانوية أو فروع الدين. ويختلف تأثير هذه الظاهرة اختلافا كبيرا، بدءا من استقطاب المجتمع إلى انقسام الطوائف الدينية. ومنظور الدعوة في التغلب على هذه الظاهرة هو تعزيز التعليم الديني الذي يعزز الفهم الصحيح والتسامح مع الاختلافات. وثمة حل آخر يتمثل في زيادة الوعي بأهمية الحوار بين الأديان لتحقيق التفاهم المشترك. بالإضافة إلى أهمية دور العلماء والقيادات الدينية في تقديم التوجيه الصحيح لشعوبهم حتى لا يقعوا في الخلافية الفروعية. وبالتالي، يؤمل أن يتمكن المجتمع من الحفاظ على التكاتف واحترام الاختلافات في الرأي من أجل التنوع المتناغم في إطار الوحدة الوطنية</em></p> <p><em>The phenomenon of khilafiyah furuiyah in Indonesia is a controversial event involving differences of opinion on minor or furu' (branch) matters of religion. The impacts of this phenomenon are diverse, ranging from societal polarization to the fragmentation of religious communities. From the perspective of dakwah (Islamic outreach), addressing this phenomenon involves strengthening religious education that emphasizes correct understanding and tolerance of differences. Another solution is to raise awareness of the importance of interfaith dialogue to achieve mutual understanding. Additionally, the role of scholars and religious leaders in providing proper guidance to their followers to avoid falling into khilafiyah furuiyah is crucial. Thus, it is hoped that the society can maintain unity and respect differences of opinion for the sake of harmonious diversity within the framework of national unity</em></p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE ROLE OF ISLAMIC LAW IN THE DAKWAH OF HAJJ WORSHIP 2024 2024-06-17T23:26:49+00:00 Mohammad Adnan Alhimaidi Ahmed <p>This study explores the integral role of Islamic law (Sharia) in the propagation and practice of Hajj worship in 2024, through the lens of Ushul Fiqh (the principles of Islamic jurisprudence). Hajj, as one of the Five Pillars of Islam, demands meticulous adherence to ritualistic and legal guidelines that are deeply rooted in Islamic law. This research examines how Islamic legal principles shape the understanding, preparation, and execution of Hajj among contemporary Muslim communities. It delves into the jurisprudential foundations that underpin Hajj rituals, highlighting the dynamic interplay between traditional fiqh and modern contexts. Furthermore, the study investigates the educational and missionary aspects of Hajj, emphasizing how legal rulings are communicated and taught to prospective pilgrims. By analyzing recent fatwas, legal discourses, and practical implementations, the paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how Ushul Fiqh continues to influence the observance of Hajj in an evolving global landscape. This research not only contributes to a deeper understanding of the doctrinal aspects of Hajj but also offers insights into the broader implications of Islamic jurisprudence in contemporary religious practices.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## TRANSFORMATION OF DAKWAH MEDIA IN INSPIRING MUSLIMAH IN THE DIGITAL ERA 2024-06-19T04:47:33+00:00 Badrah Uyuni Rabiah Al Adawiyah Raihanatul Quddus Kasyifatudduja Kasyifatudduja <p>In the contemporary digital landscape, the role of media in disseminating Islamic teachings and inspiring Muslim communities, particularly mothers, has undergone a significant transformation. This paper explores the evolution of dakwah media and its impact on empowering and inspiring Muslim mothers in the digital era. Through a comprehensive review of literature, the paper examines the utilization of various digital platforms, such as social media, podcasts, and mobile applications, to deliver relevant and engaging dakwah content tailored to the needs and interests of Muslim mothers. Additionally, case studies and examples are analyzed to highlight successful initiatives and strategies employed by dakwah media practitioners in inspiring and empowering Muslim mothers in their spiritual journey and everyday lives. The findings shed light on the transformative potential of dakwah media in shaping attitudes, behaviors, and identities among Muslim mothers in the digital age, while also underscoring the importance of ethical considerations and community engagement in dakwah efforts.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## KH. NOER ALIE IS A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL CLERICAL FIGURE AND HIS WORK IN SOCIETY 2024-06-17T23:42:38+00:00 Kholilullah Ahmas <p>Research on the figure of KH. Noer Alie as a multi-dimensional scholar, is felt to be so important for academics, da'ie, educators and the wider community. This is because K.H. Noer Ali is a scholar, preacher, and fighter who was directly involved in confrontations with Dutch and Japanese colonizers during the revolutionary period and then took part in the community in the fields of da'wah, education and society in the post-revolutionary era.&nbsp; From the continuous struggle that is considered to be a major contribution to the existence of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), finally the Indonesian Government has conferred the title of national hero to K.H. Noer Ali for his services for Indonesian independence.&nbsp;The objectives of the study are; first; to analyze the concepts of thought, approaches and methods of K.H. Noer Ali in various gait which include politics, education, da'wah and social in society, second; to find out the implementation of the concepts, approaches and methods of K.H. Noer Ali's gait in society . This research uses a qualitative approach with library research sources, library research is research that reveals facts or data in research obtained through books, journals and other scientific works related to the object of research. This research uses several types of methods, including; description, historical and sociological methods. From some literature, it was found that KH Noer Alie is a cleric who is dubbed as a multi-dimensional cleric figure, this is based on his extensive role and work in the community covering various aspects of life. In addition to being a cleric figure, KH. Noer Alie is also known as a warrior figure, da'ie figure, educator figure, political figure, organizational figure and community figure. The results of this study indicate that the concept of K.H. Noer Alie's work comes from the Qur'an and Hadith as the main source of Ahlu Sunnah waljama'ah Islam, this concept emphasizes strengthening a good understanding of Islamic teachings based on these two sources. In taking part, the approach taken by K.H Noer Alie is through political, educational, da'wah and social struggles, the methods used are exemplary methods, deep attention and direct interaction with the community.</p> 2024-06-17T23:42:38+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EXPLORING SOCIO-POLITICAL VALUES IN THE HAJJ EXPERIENCE 2024-06-27T22:59:49+00:00 Mastori Mastori <p>As part of the fifth pillar of Islam, the obligation of Hajj is enthusiastically welcomed by Muslims from all corners of the world. Expensive costs and extra preparation do not stop Muslims from being able to worship and visit Baitullah. Apart from its position as a spiritual worship which is hablu minallah in nature, the Hajj pilgrimage has social and political dimensions which are important for Muslims to realize after the Hajj. This research method uses qualitative-descriptive methods. The type of data used is library data sourced from books, journals and news sites related to the Hajj pilgrimage. The research results show: first, spiritually the Hajj pilgrimage plays an important role in strengthening the theological relationship between a servant and Allah. Second, socially, worship has shared values ​​which are very relevant to the needs of modern society in creating social intimacy and da'wah. Third, politically, the Hajj pilgrimage has a strong aim to form the unity and unity of the Islamic world.</p> 2024-06-27T22:59:49+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## العوامل المؤثرة في رغبة الطلاب بتعلم اللغة العربية (الدراسة الحالة في مدرسة منهاج السلام الثانوية الأهلية تانجونج سلامات برجوت سي توان) 2024-07-02T12:11:25+00:00 Syafrianda Syafrianda Zulheddi Zulheddi <p>قلة الرغبة بالتعلم هي إحدى مشكلات تعلم اللغة العربية التي يجب التغلب عليها. كان الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو معرفة العوامل التي تؤثر على رغبة الطلاب بتعلم اللغة العربية. منهجية البحث التي أجريت هي نوعية مع نهج دراسة الحالة. كانت تقنيات جمع البيانات المستخدمة في هذه الدراسة هي المقابلات والملاحظة والتوثيق. أظهرت النتائج أن العوامل التي تؤثر على رغبة الطلاب بتعلم اللغة العربية تنقسم إلى عوامل داخلية وخارجية. تشمل العوامل الداخلية الرغبة بالتعلم والراحة في التعلم والرغبة في التعلم ومشاركة الطلاب. بينما تشمل العوامل الخارجية الخلفية التعليمية وطرق تدريس المعلمين والبيئة المدرسية والأسرية والقدرة على قراءة القرآن.</p> <p><em>Low interest in learning is one of the problems of learning Arabic that must be overcome. The purpose of this research is to find out what factors influence students' interest in learning Arabic. The research method used was qualitative with a case study approach. The data collection techniques used in this research were interviews, observation, and documentation. The research results show that the factors that influence students' interest in learning Arabic are divided into internal and external factors. Internal factors include a feeling of interest when learning, a feeling of comfort when learning, a desire to learn and student participation. Meanwhile, external factors include educational background, teacher teaching methods, school and family environment, and the ability to read the </em><em>Qu</em><em>ran</em></p> 2024-06-27T23:00:23+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##