• Juwita Damayanti Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah


This research is quantitative which aims to determine whether there is
correlation between the students’ social ability and students' motivation, especially in the
eighth grade of SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi in academic year 2013-2014.
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is correlation between the students’
social ability and students' motivation, especially in VIII-14 class at SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi.
The calculation of questionnaire or test research used the Cronbach alpha reliability as a
common measure of internal consistency of multi-item scale, the numbers in the range of
0.70 (acceptable), 0.80 (good) and the Likert scale questionnaire to measure the attitudes,
opinions and perceptions of a person's or a group of events or social phenomena. Each
answer is connected with the form of a statement or gesture of support expressed in words
strongly agree (SS), agree (S), disagree (D), strongly disagree (STS). From these results, 32
items were obtained which can be used for the study of the 60 problems that exist.
The population of the research was all eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi in
academic year 2013-2014 consists of 960 students. Then, 30 students were taken as a sample.
The sampling technique used was Probability Sampling, it is a sampling technique that
provides equal opportunity for every element (member) to be elected as members of the
population sample. Collecting data in this research was using an open questionnaire for its
Based on this research, it is proved that the hypothesis can be accepted. There is a significant
correlation between social ability and learning motivation at VIII-14 class of SMP Negeri 9
Bekasi. With the test calculations r count r 0.941 while table at significant level of 0.05% has
a mean value of 0.361 count r> r table, then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Then proceed
using the t-test analysis, with the final result obtained results t-count table 2.048 14.773 of
using a significant level of 5%.
The conclusion that can be concluded from this research is that there is correlation between
social skills and learning motivation at VIII-14 class of SMP Negeri 9 Bekasi.
Bibliography: 23 (2001-2012). Keywords: social skills and motivation to study.

How to Cite
DamayantiJ. (2016). HUBUNGAN KEMAMPUAN BERSOSIALISASI DENGAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA KELAS VIII SMP NEGERI 9 BEKASI. Guidance : Jurnal Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 13(02), 22-36. Retrieved from