Pengaruh Kecanduan Game online Mobile Legends Terhadap Prestasi Akademik Siswa

  • Hanna Rahmayanti Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Meilla Dwi Nurmala Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Alfiandy Warih Handoyo
Keywords: game online, addiction, mobile legends, academic achievement


This research aims to find out a general picture of the influence of online game addiction on grade 11 students at SMK PGRI 1 Serang City. This type of research uses quantitative research with sampling using saturated sampling techniques with a sample size of 144 students. The measuring tool used in this research is a Likert scale with aspects of online game addiction. The data analysis technique uses quantitative correlation. The research results show that the results of research data on the influence of online game addiction on students' academic achievement in class 11 of SMK PGRI 1 Serang City obtained correlation analysis results of r = -0.447 with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. These results show that there is an influence between the online game addiction variable and the achievement variable. . This shows that the role of online game addiction on academic achievement is 0.198, meaning that the influence of online game addiction on academic achievement is 19.8% and 80.2% is influenced by external factors in this study.


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How to Cite
RahmayantiH., NurmalaM., & HandoyoA. (2024). Pengaruh Kecanduan Game online Mobile Legends Terhadap Prestasi Akademik Siswa. Guidance : Jurnal Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 21(01), 129-136.