Proceeding International Da'wah Conference <p>Proceeding International Da'wah Conference is an annual conference held by the Islamic Faculty of the As-Syafi'iyah Islamic University. The international conference raised da'wah issues in the international area. The conference was held in cooperation with all parties who have a focus and attention to da'wah, covering technology, methods and other contemporary da'wah issues.</p> en-US (Badrah Uyuni) (Mumu Mu'min Mubarok) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 05:58:38 +0000 OJS 60 STRENGTHENING THE DOMINANT CHARACTER OF IHSAN BEHAVIOR FOR PROSPECTIVE LEADERS IN THE GLOBAL ERA <p><em>The</em><em> purpose of this study is to find out and predict what positive characteristics are the dominant factors determining the Ihsan behavior of prospective leaders. In this study, eight positive characteristics were taken, namely: thinking big, confident, brave, hardworking, enthusiastic, patient and persistent, caring for others, and grateful which is suspected of making a dominant contribution to shaping the Ihsan behavior of a prospective leader. In this study, eight positive characteristics were taken, namely: thinking big, confident, courageous, hardworking, enthusiastic, patient and persistent, caring for others, and grateful which is suspected of making a dominant contribution to shaping the Ihsan behavior of a prospective leader. This study used a quantitative survey method with respondents of students of the Islamic University of As-Syafi'iyah Jakarta as prospective leaders with an affordable population of around 4,000 people for the 2019/2020 academic year; as a sample, 215 students were randomly sampled. Data were analyzed using correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that: 1) there were three positive characters out of eight positive characters that were significant (very influential) on the formation of Ihsan behavior, the highest of which was: caring for others; the second: patient &amp; persistent and the last: thinking big. 2) the three positive characteristics: caring for others, patient &amp; persistent, thinking big together contributes to the formation of Ihsan behavior of prospective leaders by 58.5%, and the remaining 41.5% is influenced by other positive characteristics; 3) a positive character of caring for others is a positive character that has the highest sensitivity (greatly influencing) in shaping the behavior of prospective leaders. </em></p> Iffah Budiningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PANCASILA LEADERSHIP IN ISLAMIC WORLDVIEW <p><em>PANCASILA (the five principles of the Nation of Indonesia) as the state philosophy, the state ideology, legal ideals (rechtsidee), and the source of State Laws should not only have its beauty in the concept but be able to implement into practices in the nation lives. As the philosophy of life which is believed to unite differences and bind the people to live altogether as a nation, Pancasila needs leaders to inspire, to work together to put the values into reality, and to motivate the people to maintain and keep Pancasila as state principles. The research is to study the Islamic Worldview about Pancasila Leadership which the result is needed to implement since the majority of the states is Muslims who believe that their life must be guided and in accord to Sharia. The paper is written by literature study that collects sources from library to search and defines what Pancasila, Leadership, and Pancasila Leadership are and to find the Islamic Worldview of it the it is found that Pancasila has some things in common with Medina Charter and the values composed in BPUPKI (Badan Penyelidik Usaha – Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan = The&nbsp;Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Independence) which was finalized in PPKI (Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia = The Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence &nbsp;were derived from Al Qur’an and As Sunnah which went along with the nation wisdom. In the end, it concludes that Islam (sharia) views Pancasila suits to Islamic Principles which is feasible but with one problem that we (Indonesian people) have very rare figures who understand and live with the values who sit as leaders in all sectors of government.</em></p> Andrie Setiawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE URGENCY OF DA'WAH IN THE DIGITAL ERA IN DEALING WITH ISLAMOPHOBIA <p><em>The term Islamophobia has become popular since the 9/11 incident in the United States was carried out by people with Muslim identity. Along with the times and technological advances that are developing more rapidly, islamophobia has grown along with the spread of hoaxes on media. Then nowadays, da’wah activities are required to be able to the balance advances in technological science. The purpose of this paper is to understand the urgency of da'wah in the digital era in dealing with islamophobia. In this case, on this paper only limited to confronting Islamophobia in digital media. The study approach in this study used a qualitative approach. The type of study used descriptive research with the aim of drawing, describing and interpreting da’wah in the digital era in dealing with islamophobia. Da'wah is a business in the form of activities or activities that are inviting, encouraging, calling and conveying to humans both individually and in groups to the right path in the form of invitation to goodness and prevention of evil according to Islamic teachings in order to find happiness both in this world and in the Hereafter. In the digital era, the position and progress of online media is a challenge as well as an opportunity for da'wah activities in the digital era. In activities, da'wah using communication and information technology certainly plays an important role, this is in response to adaptive da'wah activities. From this paper, can be concluded that da’wah in the digital era is very urgently because to facing and minimize Islamophobia in society, we can use da’wah and community digital literacy skills. Community digital literacy skills are very important in this digital era. Hoaxes that spread about terrorism, racism and all the bad things about Islam should be minimized islamophobia with utilization of digital literacy wisely.</em></p> Abdullah Ghulam Nazih ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 UNVEILING THE QUR’ANIC HIDDEN MATTERS BETWEEN PROPHET MUSA AND AL-KHIDR: LESSONS FOR MUSLIM TEACHERS AND STUDENTS <p><em>The Glorious Qur’an is meant to guide the entire aspects of human life. This is true considering the fact that many chapters in the Qur’an gave some information of the past nations as to how they were rewarded or punished for others to emulate them in all good deeds and refrain from the evils they have committed. In the Qur’an, there is a fascinating narrative mentioned in Chapter 18 which discusses the encounter between Prophet Musa and Al-Khidr. Their journey together involves perplexing actions by Khidr, which Prophet Musa struggles to understand. However, Musa reveals the hidden matters showcasing the limitations of human knowledge. It is in line with this submission that this paper intends to discuss the unveiling hidden matters between Prophet Musa and AL-Khidr expounded in the Qur’an as a lesson to Muslim teachers and students. To achieve the objectives of the research, the paper attempts to answer some questions in order to unravel the hidden matters mentioned in the narrative found in Surah 18 of the Glorious Qur’an. The paper adopts analytical methodology.</em></p> Attahir Shehu Mainiyo ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Human Personality in the Era of Globalization from Da'wah Perspective <p><em>The purpose of this research is to discover how the concept of human personality is based on age generations in the era of globalization and the challenges faced by each of these personalities in dealing with this era as well as the concept of the da'wah approach for each personality. This research is included in the type of library research (Library research) because the data sources come from written sources, both directly related to the material being studied and indirectly. Then in terms of presentation this material is descriptive analysis in nature, because this research seeks to describe the Concept of Human Personality based on the age generation in the Globalization Era and the challenges faced by each of these personalities in facing that Era as well as the Concept of Da'wah Approach for each personality. Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that Human Personality is different from one another based on their age or generation, so that the challenges faced by each personality generation are different in dealing with all phenomena that exist in the Globalization Era, and the Da'wah Approach must also adapt to their personality in responding to things that exist in the Era of Globalization.</em></p> Hendra Wijaya ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DEVELOPMENT OF SYARI'AH MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS DURING THE PANDEMIC: ANALYSIS OF THE PERFORMANCE OF BAITUL MAL WA TAMWIL (BMT) IN INDONESIA <p><em>The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on various sectors, such as the economy, society, and politics. This pandemic has spread to major countries and almost all countries globally, including Indonesia, especially in the economic, banking, and Islamic financial sectors. The Syari'ah Microfinance Institution (BMT), which is currently in a good trend, also experienced a pandemic shock. In this study, the authors used a descriptive qualitative approach. This study seeks to understand the various concepts found in the research process, using content analysis techniques and library research. The study results concluded that the development of BMT in pandemic covid-19 had experienced a drastic decline. As a Syari'ah Microfinance Institution that serves business units that rely on daily transactions, with the tendency for people to work from home, people are not interested in doing activities outside the home so that it will have a direct impact on their liquidity. As a financial institution that has played a role in the development of micro small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) in Indonesia, the decline in the performance of UMKM will also affect the development and performance of LKMS (BMT).</em></p> Husnul Khotimah Sylvia, Asmak Abduruhman ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 FATIMAH AL-BANJARI (d. 1828 CE) INDONESIA'S WOMAN ULAMA <p><em>This study discusses the da'wah contribution of Indonesian female ulama Fatimah Al-Banjari (d. 1828 AD). This research uses qualitative methods by making and observing works, books, academic research, videos, internet sources, and historical documents. The existing data is then analyzed using the explanatory analysis method where the logic of social phenomena is common sense by using historical, anthropological, and sociological approaches. This research tries to show the role model of female ulama Fatimah Al-Banjari so that women today can learn and imitate the activities and struggles of these female ulama so that many benefits are generated for the improvement of the ummah, especially women. The concept of women scholars, contributions, strategies carried out by these women scholars are presented. Then the supporting and inhibiting factors of women ulama in preaching are also discussed so that they can be understood in depth.</em></p> Badrah Uyuni ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 LEADERSHIP IN ISLAMIC LAW: AN OVERVIEW OF THOUGHTS AND IDEALS OF SHAYKH ABUBAKAR AHMAD ARABI JOS <p><em>Leadership in Islam is a trust that whoever is bestowed with it must act as Allah’s vicegerent on the face of the earth. It is a task that implies caring for the welfare of the led, doing what is best for them and guiding them on what is right and forbidding what is wrong. Thus, this paper used analytical approach in examining the concept and Shari’ah perspective of leadership. It surveys the principles leadership. It also studies the thoughts of Shaykh Ahmad Arabi, one of the contemporary legists of northern Nigeria, his life ideas as an exemplary Muslim leader, and philosophy about the objectives of a good leadership. The paper uncovers that Islam as a complete way of life, considers leadership as a foundation upon which all essence of life is built upon. It is a security that checks the provision and realization of the Shari’ah objectives, called Maqasid al-Shari’ah. It also discovers that the two cardinals of Shari’ah, known as Jalb al-Naf’ (bringing benefits) and daf’ al-ḍarar (preventing harm) depends on the existence of effective leadership. Therefore, concludes that the necessity for leadership in every human society is as that of life itself.</em></p> Adam Yusuf Adam ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF THE MERDEKA CURRICULUM IN IMPROVING THE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF FIQH" (Case Study of Class X in MAN 2 Bekasi City) <p><em>The Merdeka Curriculum initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture is a transformation curriculum that prioritizes the freedom to think, learn, explore themselves in the learning process so that fun and fun learning becomes the tagline of this curriculum. An Merdeka Curriculum that does not have UN, USBN, etc. so that assessment based on assessment is the main focus of researchers in knowing efforts to optimize learning outcomes. In this case, the transition of the K-13 curriculum to the post-pandemic Emergency Curriculum and to the Merdeka Curriculum is a tremendous transformation in the aspect of national education. For madrasahs that are still under the auspices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, there is a lot of slow information in adjusting this program. Thus, this study intends to discuss the Utilization of the Merdeka Curriculum in Improving Class X Jurisprudence Learning Outcomes in MAN 2 Bekasi City. The methodology of this study uses qualitative methodology with a descriptive approach. With data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. Then the analysis researchers used triangulation techniques. So that the results of this study show that the Utilization of the Merdeka Curriculum in Improving Jurisprudence Learning Outcomes is able to be appropriate and efficient to be applied in MAN 2 Bekasi City. Evidenced by the ease for teachers in compiling administrative completeness for teachers and madrasah officials. However, due to the lack of adequate preparation from the madrasah at the beginning of the selection of Piloting trial schools, it made the education unit in MAN 2 Bekasi City to work harder and synergize together to achieve the proper curriculum goals.</em></p> Syarifah Soraya ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ORGANIZING INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION AS AN EFFORT TO PREVENT DISCRIMINATION AGAINST PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES <p><em>Disability is a term that refers to individuals who have physical or non-physical abnormalities. The 1945 Constitution explicitly guaranteed persons with disabilities.&nbsp; At least Article 28H paragraph (2) states that everyone is entitled to facilities and special treatment to obtain equal opportunities and benefits to achieve equality and justice. Law No. 19 of 2001 also regulates the rights of persons with disabilities. Starting from the right to be free from torture, cruel inhuman, and degrading treatment, to the right to be free from exploitation, violence, and arbitrary treatment. To realize this, the government has made regulations that allow people with disabilities to obtain the same education as other people, even up to university. Each university must begin to improve itself to become a place where people with disabilities can also carry out the learning process properly or commonly referred to as an inclusive campus. that inclusive education is an open education system for students or students from various backgrounds without distinguishing one from another so that everyone has the right to get the same education in accordance with applicable laws. There are three foundations of education, namely the philosophical foundation, juridical foundation, and pedagogical foundation. This research uses the literature review method by searching the Google Scholar database.&nbsp; The researcher conducted a search by reviewing general terms and specific terms.&nbsp; The search terms used were as follows:&nbsp; inclusive education, higher education, disability, and disabled.&nbsp; There were ten journals that met the criteria for the literature review. The results of the literature on the Implementation of Inclusive Education in Higher Education as an Effort to Prevent Discrimination of Persons with Disabilities include student management, curriculum management, and education personnel management. Fourth, management of facilities and infrastructure, Fifth, financial management/funding.</em></p> Mu’allimah Rodhiyana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSES OF THE QUR`ANIC APPROACH TO MODERN GLOBALIZATION <p><em>The paper explores the tactics/method Qur’an applied on the modern and current trends of Globalizations in the world today. The Qur'an is a Book that addresses all times/ages, and ever challenged with any kind of development one may think up, it contains all the basic subjects a person may need throughout his or her life. The forms of worship, the state of mind unique to a Muslim, the ideal morality, the good conduct that must be shown in the face of unexpected happenings or at difficult times, the ways to lead a physically, materially and spiritually healthy life. On the other hand, Muslims make consistent efforts to relate Qur'an to their contemporary concerns and needs. Since Almighty Allah Has provided all rudimentary principles for all aspects of life and human future development. Allah says: “We have neglected nothings in the book (of our decrees” (Suratul An-am 6:38) Islam is a global Din with a global message (Quran) for the good of human kind. Its methods of worship clearly reflect the globalism of its mission. Islam is a religion which has always wanted to celebrate both movement and direction.</em></p> Muhammad Hamma`Adama Ahmad, Abubakar Muhammad ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 EDUCATION AS AN ATTEMPT TO WARD OFF ISLAMOPHOBIA VIRUS IN STRENGTHENING NATIONALISM AND INDONESIAN SPIRITUALITY <p><em>Islamophobia is one of the most contemporary issues in Indonesia; it is an attitude that shows intolerance to religion in general and an excessive fear of Islam. There needs to be an attempt to ward off Islamophobia viruses that can weaken the image of a friendly Islam. Through careful education, Islamic teachings were developed to reinforce a nation’s nationalism and spirituality. Education of Sufism is an alternative solution to produce a human figure conscious of its status as ‘Abdun, his role as a caliphate, and the purpose of his life to worship God. Through this realization, human beings will always establish harmonious communication with the people of God to create a peaceful, safe and prosperous life. Thus, it is free from various understand-like racism, radicalism, secularism, liberalism, anarchist action, and excessive discrimination, which is the cause of Islamophobia. The wholehearted education teaches us to love, respect, and sustain each other to create a peaceful world. It is based on the principle of ukhuwah Islamiyyah, ukhuwah wathaniyyah and ukhuwah basyariyyah. Nationalist attitudes will be able to be manifested in daily life as the government to the country to create a country that “Baldatun thaiyyibatun wa Rabbun ghafur.” The nationalist attitude is one of the recommended in Islamic teachings, as a result of the perduring spiritual value in man to obey God’s order. The proliferation of Islamophobia worldwide, including Indonesia, can cause the erosion of the friendly image of Islam in the world. It needs an effort to ward off Islamophobia viruses in creating the peace and integrity of a nation. This article aims to present a variety of educational efforts to ward off Islamophobia viruses to strengthen the nationalism and spiritualization of the Indonesian. The study employed a qualitative approach through descriptive analysis methods. The results showed that one of the causes of Islamophobia emergence was the lack of Islamic creed. Through excellent education, Islamic teachings were developed to reinforce a nation’s nationalism and spirituality. Education of the wholeheartedly or known as Sufism is an alternative solution to produce a human figure conscious of its status as ‘Abd – as caliph. Also, the purpose of his/her life to worship God. Thus, human beings should establish unified communication to create a peaceful, safe and prosperous life in the principle.</em></p> Intan Wulansari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 GENDER PERSPEKTIF AGAMA <p><em>Diantara wacana yang selalu hangat untuk diperbincangkan bahkan selalu dikaitakan dengan Agama Islam adalah masalah Gender, sering kali memancing tanggapan yang beragam bahkan terjadi pro dan kontra. Islam sebagai agama rahamatan lilal-‘alamin harus mampu menjawab problema social yang selalu dihadapi oleh pemeluknya, akan tetapi harus disadari bahwa kondisi social akibat dari perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi selalu mengalami perubahan, karena ummat memilki logikanya sendiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui; hakikat kemanusiaan, gender memilki kesamaan dihadapan Tuhan dan bagaimana hak-hak dalam keluarga termasuk pendidikan.</em></p> <p><em>Kajian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif melalui pendekatan kajian literatur. Membaca berbagai buku, jurnal, artikel, yang berkaitan dengan topik pembahasan, yang tujuanya untuk memberikan gambaran secara sistematis tentang Gender perspektif agama.</em></p> <p><em>Gender tentu memilki perbedaan dari segi dimensi. Gender hakikatnya adalah untuk membedakan peran. dalam women’s studies Encyclopedia disebutkan Gender adalah suatu konsep kultural yang berupaya membuat perbedaan(distinction) dalam hal peran, prilaku, mentalitas dan karakteristik emosional laki-laki dan perempuan yang terjadi dalam masyarakat. oleh sebab itu kajian tentang Gender adalah berbicara soal sebuah konsepsi yang menunjuk pada suatu system peranan dan hubungan antara perempuan dan laki-laki yang tidak ditentukan oleh perbedaan biologis semata-mata akan tetapi oleh lingkungan social, politik, ekonomi, dan budaya. Agama yang dibawa oleh Muhammad SAW berhasil memperjuangkan dan meningkatkan derajat perempuan, yang sebelumnya tertindas menjadi makhluk yang sederajat dengan laki-laki. Keberhasilan Muhammad SAW memabngun pilar-pilar dasar peradaban Islam didasarkan atas kekokohan pribadi muslim dan solidnya Lembaga keluarga termasuk organisasi perempuan seperti BKMT yang dibangun dengan prinsip kemitraan.</em></p> <p><em>Kesamaan antara perempuan dan laki-laki bisa dilihat dari tiga dimensi. <strong>Pertama,</strong> hakikat kemanusiaan, Islam memberikan kepada perempuan sejumlah hak untuk meningkatkan kualitas kemanusiaannya, seperti mendapatkan Pendidikan, hak berpolitik dan hak yang berkenaan dengan public. <strong>Kedua</strong>, pelaksanaan ajarana Islam, Islam mengajarkan bahwa perempuan dan laki-laki sama-sama mendapatkan pahala atas amal shaleh yang diperbuatnya, dan sama-sama mendapat siksa jika melakukan pelanggaran atau perbuatan dosa. <strong>Ketiga,</strong> hak-hak dalam keluarga, seperti hak waris, Islam memberikan hak waris kepada perempuan, meskipun jumlahnya tidak sebanyak yang diberikan kepada laki-laki. Bahkan al-Qur’an tidak menganut paham the second sex yang memberi keutamaan pada jenis kelamin tertentu dan tidak menganut paham the first etnik yang mengistimewakan suku tertentu.</em></p> Sutiono Az ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE UMMAH AND ISLAMIC DA’WAH IN CONTEMPORARY ERA: SOCIAL MEDIA AS A VITAL MEANS OF COMMUNICATION <p><em>The Ummah as one community of Muslim have in recent times able to utilise the modern communication platforms for Da'wah purposes. Therefore, this paper examines the relationship between the Muslim Ummah and Islamic Da'wah in relation to social media. It also studied the application of the new media platforms for the propagation of the teachings of Islam and countering the wrong message about Islam and Muslims. It was found out FASTING A PROPHATIC TRADITION that the social media platforms are the most often used channels exploited by Muslim Ummah to do Da’wah or receive the message of Islam. Also observed, is that the Ummah preferred the social media due to its flexible nature and effectiveness to transmit message fast without boundary. This study was conducted using a survey method, and data were collected through in-depth interviews and also employed literature base methodology. It is concluded that right from its inception, it is built upon delivering the message of Islam as contained in the Glorious Qur’an and Hadith.</em></p> Muhammad Maga Sule, Tambari Abbas Bashar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 MARRIAGE, ITS CRITERIA IN ISLAM AND CHOICE OF HUSBANDS BY THE HAUSA PEOPLE OF SOKOTO <p><em>The institution of marriage has a significant place in the eyes of the Muslim Ummah as it is the only avenue that produces legitimate offspring and gives better moral training in the life of the Ummah. The paper examines the institution of marriage and its criteria in Islam. Choice of marriage partner, according to the criteria laid down by Islam. Then guardianship of a woman, dowry, witnesses, and the responsibility of women that Allah bestows on the men which is essential in Islamic marriage. The paper also highlights choice of husbands by women and the objectives of marriage in Islam. The four categories of prohibited marriages, like the Mutu’ah, marriage of a Mushrikha/ Mushrikh, marriage of women in waiting period, either from divorce or widowed. Choice of a marriage partner by educated Muslim women of Sokoto State. Literature base approach was adopted for the data used in the research. It concludes that the choice of marriage partner is very important for every Muslim as it give the family a sense of direction.</em></p> Maryam Umar Ladan, Hadiza Muazu Bello ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 FASTING A PROPHATIC TRADITION <p><em>Fasting is essentially self-restraint. Fasting worship provides valuable learning for someone from faith, society, community, and others. This study uses a qualitative methodology by using the quranic verses and prophetic tradition, various books and research results on fasting in various socio-religious or cultural traditions as the primary source. The purpose of the Islamic obligation of fasting includes aspects of worship, spirituality, self-control, social empowerment, and consciousness-raising. It helps individuals to deepen their relationship with Allah SWT, form a good personality, and contribute to the overall progress of society.</em></p> Mohammad Adnan, Badrah Uyuni ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 AN ANALYSIS OF THE WOMEN’S RIGHT IN ISLAM FROM THE QUR’ANIC VERSES AND AHADITH <p><em>Allah (SWT) has created both men and women without subordination of one another. Islam has ensured gender equality and women’s rights in every sphere of their life. Islam has guaranteed rights of men and women in an equal degree and there is no discrimination between men and women. But due to the prevailing socio-cultural norms and practices in Bangladesh sometimes the guarantee of Islam do not get translated into tangible actions. Islam is the religion which liberated Muslim women by ensuring equal rights to them in comparison to their male fellow.. The prime object of this study is to pick out how rights of women are ensured in Islam. This study concludes with an allusion that women are not subordinate of men and indicate an avenue to identify properly women in the light of Islam. This research is actually qualitative in nature where only secondary data has been used. Analytical method was also used in this research. Data has been collected from various books, journals, Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah (tradition) of the Prophet (peace be upon him). This research finds that Islam does not deprive the women rather ensuring proper rights, dignity and status this research includes only those rights of the women as guaranteed by Islam and it does not include constitutional rights or other rights ensured by the existing laws of the country.</em></p> Abubakar Ibrahim Usman ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MUROTTAL THERAPY OF AL-QUR'AN SURAT AR-RAHMAN AND YASIN ON REDUCING THE BLOOD PRESSURE OF ELDERLY WITH HYPERTENSION IN PONDOK GEDE DISTRICT AREA BEKASI CITY <p><em>Hypertension is the most common disease in the elderly. This is the effect of degeneration that occurs with age. Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, myocardial infarction and chronic kidney disease. Non-pharmacological hypertension therapy, one of which is Murottal Al-Quran Therapy, is effective in lowering blood pressure and is free from chemical side effects of drugs. The aim of the study was to compare the effect of the effectiveness of Al-Quran murottal therapy in Surat Ar-Rahman and Yasin on reducing blood pressure. Methods The type of research is true experimental research, the design is two groups independent sample t test, 2 experimental groups and 2 controls. The sampling technique was simple random sampling of 60 respondents. The results of the univariate analysis showed a decrease in blood pressure (93%) after being given murottal Al-Qur'an therapy Surah Ar-Rahman and (87%) Surah Yasin. Bivariate analysis of Paired Sample T Test obtained the value of Sig. (2.tailed) &lt; 0.05. The results of the independent T Test were 0.659 &gt; 0.05, the mean systolic blood pressure was 142.87 for Murottal Surah Ar-Rahman and 144.87 Surrah Yasin. The conclusion is that there is a significant effect before and after being given Murottal Therapy of Surah Ar-Rahman and Yasin. There is no average difference between Surah Ar-Rahman and Yasin Murottal Therapy, both of which lower blood pressure. Suggestions are expected for the elderly with hypertension to apply Murottal Surah Ar-Rahman and Yasin therapy because they are both effective as non-pharmacological therapy in lowering blood pressure.</em></p> Dini Sukmalara, Qurrota A’yun, Siti Rapingah, Zuhriya Meilita, Seniwati s, I Istiqomah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE IMAM AL-MAWARDI'S (364-450 H / 975-1058 AD) POLITICAL THOUGHTS <p><em>Western thinkers believe that Muslim scholars were the pioneers of philosophical thought ethics, yet provide no significant contribution in the field of political thought. Furthermore, the former treat the latter as possessing no clear views on political thought and that religion and Islamic civilization have by no means political thought. This point of view is a faulty at all. Since sixteen and seventeenth century Europe failed to acknowledge the characteristics of Muslim political thought, such as Al-Mawardi.</em></p> Dahrun Sajadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PHYSICS AND THE ENVIRONMENT IN ISLAMIC ETHICS: ADDRESSING CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH ISLAMIC PRINCIPLES <p>This study examines the correlation between Islamic ethics, climate change, and sustainability, with a particular focus on the contribution of physics. It investigates the application of Islamic principles in addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable practices. By leveraging the insights from physics and integrating them with Islamic teachings, this research emphasizes the significance of incorporating environmentally responsible approaches based on Islamic ethics. Through an analysis of the scientific understanding of the environment in alignment with Islamic tenets, this study contributes to the broader discourse on climate change and sustainability, aiming to foster a more conscientious and environmentally aware society.</p> Muhammad Shibghatullah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ISLAM'S VIEW ON GENDER QUESTIONS <p><em>Gender thinking since 2000 has been continuously publicized through various media and thought channels. Muslim scholars who were influenced by these ideas also participated in defending and even actively voicing them. The Western feminist movement that drives the idea of ​​gender equality has succeeded in influencing a number of Muslim activists and Muslim women in the Islamic world. This thinking questions the texts of the Qur'an and Hadith as well as the opinions of the scholars who are seen as discriminating against women. Centuries of Western experience of placing women in a low position are tried to portray women in Islam. This research tries to reveal how the west views women and how Islam views them. The method used in this discussion is descriptive qualitative. While the results, women in Islam do not have a dark history as in the West. On the contrary, the concept of Islam places women in a position that is in accordance with their characteristics and specifics.</em></p> Imam Taufik Alkhotob ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 IMPLEMENTATION OF MUSLIMAH CLOTHING OBLIGATION IN NON- MUSLIM COUNTRIES <p><em>The purpose of writing this paper is to study and explain the implementation of Muslim fashion in Western countries. In the midst of Islamophobia and globalization, Muslim women face bans on wearing Muslim clothing by local governments, even in countries with a majority Muslim population like Indonesia. In addition to the above issue, living in countries where the majority are non- Muslims, the availability of Muslim clothing is scarce. How should Muslim women respond to this challenge? Should they submit to the ban and remove their hijab, or should they fight to have the ban lifted? How can Muslim women overcome the limitations of Muslim clothing in these countries? This study is conducted using a literature approach. Through this research, it can be concluded that Muslim clothing is a necessity and there is no dispensation for removing it. It requires the struggle of all elements of society, especially scholars, preachers, and Muslim women, to lift the ban. Thereshould be no ban on Muslim women wearing the hijab because other Abrahamic religions (Christianity and Judaism) also have commands to wear head coverings. From this study, it is also known that Allah does not limit the style of clothing. The Qur'an and the Hadith only provide general guidelines on covering the aurat. Therefore, Muslim women can overcome the limited availability of Muslim clothing in non-Muslim countries by utilizing and modifying local fashion to cover their aurat.</em></p> Suhartini Ashari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 GREETINGS HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO NON-MUSLIMS <p><em>The relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims in history has been exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad and Muslims with Christians and Jews in Medina. This is part of Islam's recognition of followers of other religions and the Prophet did not coerce his preaching. Because Islam did not come to kill and destroy other religions, but followers of other religions can live side by side and work together. This paper wants to provide views on the attitude of a Muslim in interacting in social life, including how to respond to differences. One example is how a Muslim responds to differences in beliefs by conveying Happy Holidays to non-Muslims. Amid the life of pluralism with a variety of religious, ethnic, cultural and so forth. So that raises the question of how the law says or conveys congratulations on the big day to non-Muslims. The polemic arose when approaching the celebration of non-Muslim holidays in Indonesia. The first opinion, according to Al-Utsaimin, is that congratulating them is forbidden, it is the same whether they (infidels) are involved in business with someone (Muslim) or not. The second, according to Yusuf Qardawi, is that if you are honored with an honor, then repay that honor with something better than him, or repay that honor. However, Sheikh Yusuf AI-Qaradawi explicitly stated that it is not lawful for a Muslim to participate in religious rituals and celebrations that belong specifically to other religions.</em></p> Muhammad Yudi Ali Akbar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PROCESS ANALYSIS AND MURABAHAH CONTRACTS IN SHARIA BANK FINANCING <p><em>In Islamic bank financing activities, Murabahah is the most popular product. Apart from being easy to calculate, both for customers and bank management, this product has several similarities (which are not in principle) with the credit system in conventional banking. However, in principle, Murabaha is very different from interest rates in conventional banking. In addition, from a syara ' point of view, there is no interest element in Murabaha financing, but the margin adds to the cost of purchase, so it is not against sharia. However, a fatwa is still needed to answer various public questions about Murabaha financing that has been practiced by banks with sharia principles so far, as well as the legality of syar'i for the operations carried out. It is for this purpose that this research was conducted, looking at the extent to which Islamic banks with the fatwa of the National Sharia Council - Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI) comply, especially regarding the Murabahah financing process and contracts . And as a result, Islamic banks have not only contradicted the DSN-MUI fatwa, but also violated several Islamic bank rules and regulations, as well as the provisions of the Sharia Economic Law Compilation (KHES), in the process and the Murabaha contracts they use.</em></p> Hasanuddin Rahman Daeng Naja ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE FACE OF INDONESIAN ISLAM IN UNDERSTANDING OF HALAL PRODUCTS <p><em>As a step to guarantee the halal of products in Indonesia, the government issued Law Number 33 of 2014 which states the obligation to be halal certified for products circulating and traded in Indonesia. This obligation, according to Government Regulation number 39 of 2021 will begin to be carried out from 17 October 2024, for slaughter products, food and beverages. This policy raises pros and cons among the face of Indonesian Islam which is represented by the Muslim community, both as consumers and business actors. Various opinions were expressed by the community regarding halal certificates, both online and offline, questioning whether a halal certificate is needed? This paper tries to dig deeper into this information through qualitative research using data collection techniques through search engines on the internet. Then the findings obtained are tried to be criticized and then it is hoped that they can become material for consideration for stakeholders to improve halal certification services as part of the government's mandate to guarantee halal products in Indonesia or not rule out the possibility outside Indonesia.</em></p> Giri Cahyono ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ISLAM AND LOCAL WISDOM AND ITS ROLE FOR A NATION <p><em>This study aims to find the relationship between Islam and local wisdom in maintaining and developing the life of the nation and state. The problem that prompted the study of this theme was that clashes and misunderstandings often occur in viewing Islam as entering the realm of cultured human life so that it seems out of sync between Islam and human values in a culture. The method used in this study, using qualitative methods with literature study. The data is taken from sources related to the theme, both contained in books and journals. The findings in this study are that Islam plays a very important role in upholding local wisdom in which there are good values for humans. Meanwhile, the role of Islam is in removing something bad from human culture because it is related to something harmful. Islam provides information so that humans live in culture and dignity. The conclusion from the results of this study is that Islam and local wisdom which are built on the basis of common sense actually support each other in realizing human values in the life of the nation.</em></p> D Dirno ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 WASHATIYAH ISLAM AS A SOLUTION TO OVERCOME RACIAL CONFLICT <p><em>Racial conflict is the clash of different racial groups due to colliding interests and cultures. This conflict usually occurs in a society consisting of various elements, such as ethnicity, race, religion, education, economy, politics, language and others who live in a group of people who have one government. One of the causes of racial conflict as mentioned in the theory of intercultural misunderstanding is due to incompatibilities in communication between different cultures, giving birth to negative stereotypes or prejudice against other parties. This study tries to put forward efforts to anticipate racial conflicts by actualizing the meaning of Islamic washatiyah, namely; (1) Theological Level, (2) Ideological Level; (3) The socio-political level so that the solution offered by Wasathiyah Islam in overcoming racial conflicts is found, firstly by establishing national brotherhood, fostering a sense of unity and secondly by removing bad prejudice and clarifying every problem or tabayun</em></p> Dede Fahruroji ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 LEADERSHIP IN ISLAM <p><em>Leadership is a basic human need as it provides structure, direction and inspiration in society. Without effective leadership, society is prone to confusion, chaos and lack of development. Therefore, it is important to develop good leadership in order to achieve collective progress and prosperity. and in this case the Islamic community has guidelines and examples related to leadership in Islam. The aim and objectives of this paper is to examine a leadership in Islam. Analytical method is employed when conducting the research. Thus this paper use qualitative approach and use various literature to analyze the problem. It tries to examine further the Prophet as a leader and leadership after the Prophet and what values we can get from such leadership. Leadership in Islam is not only limited to the political sphere, but also includes leadership in the family, community, and neighborhood. Muslim leaders are expected to devote themselves to the interests of the ummah and act in accordance with the principles of Islam to achieve true progress and success.</em></p> S Sirojuddin, Rabiah al-Adawiyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 AN ANALYSIS OF THE WOMEN’S RIGHT IN ISLAM FROM THE QUR’ANIC VERSES AND AHADITH <p><em>Allah (SWT) has created both men and women without subordination of one another. Islam has ensured gender equality and women’s rights in every sphere of their life. Islam has guaranteed rights of men and women in an equal degree and there is no discrimination between men and women. But due to the prevailing socio-cultural norms and practices in Bangladesh sometimes the guarantee of Islam do not get translated into tangible actions. Islam is the religion which liberated Muslim women by ensuring equal rights to them in comparison to their male fellow.. The prime object of this study is to pick out how rights of women are ensured in Islam. This study concludes with an allusion that women are not subordinate of men and indicate an avenue to identify properly women in the light of Islam. This research is actually qualitative in nature where only secondary data has been used. Analytical method was also used in this research. Data has been collected from various books, journals, Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah (tradition) of the Prophet (peace be upon him). This research finds that Islam does not deprive the women rather ensuring proper rights, dignity and status this research includes only those rights of the women as guaranteed by Islam and it does not include constitutional rights or other rights ensured by the existing laws of the country.</em></p> Abubakar Ibrahim Usman ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Impact of Religious Salience Moderated by Resilience and Psychological Well-being in the context of a Mentally Healthy School: Senior High School in Jabodetabek Case Study <p><em>Mental health problems at school become our concern, that includes psychological distress or improve the psychological well-being. We measure relationship between mental health, resiliency, and religiosity during our Mentally Healthy School study. One of the study conducted in a public high school in Jabodetabek area, Indonesia to 115 students. There are five dimensions of religiosity that important to the live of adolescents which are religious beliefs, religious exclusivity, external practice, personal practice, and religious salience. Mental Health that include Psychological Well Being and Psychological Distress was measured using MHI-38 that resulted in Global Mental Health Scale, resiliency was measured using PsyCap Questionnaire, and we developed a General Religiosity Scale (GRS) to measure the five dimension of religiosity. During our research, we found that religious salience is significantly correlated with resilience and mental health (p&lt;0.01). This study provides further discussion on the religious salience and how to improve it. The result on our study is in line with previous research on religious salience, resiliency, and mental health. &nbsp;It also in line with Islamic teaching. </em><em>Islamic teaching views spiritual and religious aspects as things that cannot be separated from daily life. Referring to the Qur'an, the Muslim Community believes that the purpose of man’s creation is to worship the Allah Ta’ala. Al-Ghazali understands this verse as the empowerment of the self in worshiping and focusing on the purpose of worship. We suggest improving religious salience on adolescent to promote mental health. We also suggest that the research conducted in Boarding Schools, Pesantren or madrasah to get more representative results on the Mentally Healthy School study.</em></p> Fitra Faturachman, Hena Rustiana, Hesti Farida Al-Bastari, Ricky Firmansyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DA'WAH COMMUNICATION STRATEGY OF JILBAB CARE COMMUNITY IN EDUCATING MUSLIM WOMEN TO WEAR SYAR'I HIJAB <p><em>Research Objective: &nbsp;to find out the da'wah communication strategy carried out by Komunitas Peduli Jilbab in educating Muslim women to wear Sharia hijab. Research Methods: Qualitative. Research Results: &nbsp;First, communication strategies get compliance, namely communication strategies carried out with seminars or daurah, likes to close the aurat, road shows, and the use of social media. Second, the communication strategy of Constructivism, which is a communication strategy carried out by bringing the community closer to the mosque, International Hijab Solidarity Day (IHSD), forming an SPJ (Solidaritas Peduli Jilbab) team. Third, the politeness strategy, which is a communication strategy carried out with disaster care, ten thousand hijabs for Indonesia. Conclusion: The strategy of da'wah communication of Komunitas Peduli Jilbab in preaching and educating Muslim women to wear hijab syar'i is a seminar strategy, strategy likes to close the aurat, strategy road show, strategy for using social media, strategy for bringing people closer to the mosque, strategy for International Hijab Solidarity Day (IHSD), strategy for forming SPJ (Solidaritas Peduli Jilbab)&nbsp; team, disaster care strategy, and strategy ten thousand hijabs for Indonesia.</em></p> L Lukman, Putri Cania ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ISLAMIC VIEWS ON STATE DEFENSE IN NON-MUSLIM COUNTRIES <p><em>Muslims who are citizens of a non-Muslim country have the same rights and obligations as citizens. One of them is in state defense. State defense is a concept that is compiled by legislation and officials of a country about the patriotism of a person, a group or all components of a country in the interest of maintaining the existence of the country. However, a Muslim must try to refuse to do state defense if ordered to fight against a Muslim country because fellow Muslims are brothers and their brotherhood is above the interests of the state. Refusal to perform national defense must also be in accordance with procedures and in compliance as a citizen. In this paper, the author uses a qualitative Semiotic Analysis approach influenced by the naturalistic-interpretative paradigm and Content analysis initially developed in the field of quantitative newspapers. In relation to a Muslim, however, a Muslim should try to refuse to do national defense if ordered to fight against a Muslim country because fellow Muslims are brothers (innamalmu`minunal ikhwah) and their brotherhood is above the interests of the state. Refusal to do national defense must also be in accordance with procedures and in compliance as a citizen.</em></p> Rakhmad Zailani Kiki ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE ROLE OF POLITICAL DA'WAH IN NON-MUSLIM COUNTRIES <p><em>Choosing a leader for the Muslims is a very important matter, the Qur'an, hadith, siroh and the journey of the leadership of the khulafaurrasyidin provide many guidelines on how to choose leaders among the Muslims. But what about the Muslims who live in non-Muslim countries. In general, choosing leaders in non-Muslim countries is carried out with a democratic system through general elections. Because of the minority, Muslims often do not have representation in general elections, so that the only choice is a candidate leader from non-Muslims. By using qualitative methods, this study aims to elaborate on the extent and future of political da'wah in non-Muslim countries in a democratic system. The findings in this study indicate that Muslim minorities are able to collaborate with non- Muslim leaders, join in a non-Muslim party and some have succeeded in occupying legislative, judicial and executive powers.</em></p> Zainul Arief ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 27 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DEVELOPMENT OF THINKING AND COMMUNICATION WITH THE MASS MEDIA <p><em>Related Topics: Faith&nbsp; Faith as a Function of Prayer&nbsp; Fait as Gift of God, Living&nbsp; Fasting&nbsp; Loyalty&nbsp; Praying without Ceasing&nbsp; Relationship with God&nbsp; Trust&nbsp; Unbelief&nbsp; Fear&nbsp; Job&nbsp; Money&nbsp; Men &amp; Women&nbsp; Law&nbsp; Conflict and Confrontation&nbsp; Suffering/Trials&nbsp; Peter&nbsp; Holy Spirit&nbsp; Marriage&nbsp; Peace&nbsp; Creation/Evolution&nbsp; Forgiveness&nbsp; Youth&nbsp; Wives&nbsp; Purity&nbsp; Husbands&nbsp; Sarah&nbsp; Servanthood The content or material must be submitted in accordance with the source of religious normativity, but it is also required to be contextualized. Moreover, the method of its preservation must be consistent with and in harmony with the development of the times. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with the study of the library and the data is taken from the source related to the title contained in the reference book. The findings in this study are highly motivating and can improve the patterns of devotion. The conclusion of this study is that the use of mass media is very effective to be acceptable. It is believed that the faith of Islam will lead them to the right and straight path, which is the way of God.</em></p> Indra Muda ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ISLAMIC PROPAGATION MOVEMENT ON SALAFISM PARADIGM <p><em>Various social symptom happened in Indonesia cause emergence various religion groups with different name of organizations. One of which mention itself as Salafi. Salafi refers to movement on religious purification. Salafi movement appears in Saudi Arabia which signifies war oppose heresy, superstition, shirk, and herding Muslims to hold on stick to the Qur'an and Sunnah, as primary sources of law. The development of Salafism in Indonesia this time is more growing and interesting to discuss. This article is a literature review that discusses about Salafism movement and its development in Indonesia. This study applied descriptive analysis approach. The aims of this study are to describe and interpret Salafism movement in descriptive narrative manner. From the perspective of time, Salafi refers to people or community who lived in the past and have passed away, which include the first three Muslims generation called&nbsp;&nbsp; companions, tabi'in, and tabi'ut tabi'in _ associate with as- Salaf as- Ṣālih. Whereas the meaning of Salafism as one of manhaj that follows the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and from circles as- Salaf as- Ṣālih. One of the essences of Salafi is solicitation to return hold on firm to the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. All practice must prop up only to the primary sources of Islam. Otherwise, then the religious practices are distorted and misguided. Salafism paradigm see guidelines (the Qur'an and the Hadith) textually and prefer revelation rather than reason.</em></p> Abdul Hamid ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 LANGUAGE ERROR IN THE STUDY OF INTERLANGUAGE TO ACTIVATE STUDENT’S ISLAMIC WORLD <p><em>This paper discusses the errors of the language learners or interlanguage. Interlanguage or bahasantara to activate student’s Islamic world is shown from the mistakes of language produced by learners. Mistakes are part of the development process while showing the proficiency of learners who have reached the level of proficiency. By showing that the error is a unique language, this paper aims to change the perception that error is a constraint in language mastery, and it is expected to have new understanding that the error is an indication of the development of second language learners. In his analysis of the creative construction of second language learners, Suwarna argued that the symptoms of the interlanguage to activate student’s Islamic world were shown by the deviations from the standard language rules called as language errors. This deviation occurs because learners use linguistic rules that they master to apply to the target language. An example is the multilingual and multicultural Indonesian community. The sentence in English is generally patterned SPO / SVO, while the construction pattern of sentences in Arabic is generally in the form of PSO / VSO so that the example of sentence structure becomes </em><strong>عَمْرً زَيْدٌ ضَرَبَ</strong><em> with the context of writing in Arabic starting from the right side, the arrangement is reversed, </em><strong>ضَرَبَ</strong><em> (Predicate), </em><strong>زَيْدٌ</strong><em> (Subject), and </em><strong>عَمْرً</strong><em> (Object). If we compare with Arabic, the arrangement of English sentence patterns (especially Subjects and Predicates) will be opposite in the place. Bahasantara/interlanguage </em><em>to activate student’s Islamic world is a learner’s language that is formed from the elements of the first language and the target language, in this case, Bekasinese/Betawinese and English. There are characteristics that the interlanguage has, but not in the first language or in the target language. The symptoms existing in the interlanguage to activate student’s Islamic world are the existence of linguistic deviations called language errors. The learner uses linguistic rules that he knows to construct sentences or utterances in a second language.</em></p> R Rohimah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 LEADER, CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND STRESS <p><em>The journey in life does not always go as straight as expected, this is influenced by many factors in carrying out a journey that needs to be addressed wisely. As a leader, you need to have a strategy for dealing with conflict and stress in an organization. This study aims to find out previous research discussing leadership, conflict and stress management. This research was conducted using the literature review method obtained in research on Scopus indexed journals as well as previous studies on leadership, conflict and stress management in an organization. From the study of the literature it can be obtained an understanding of the notion of leadership, leadership styles and definitions of conflict, causes of conflict, positive and negative impacts of conflict, conflict management strategies, conflict management processes, phases of team development related to conflict, the relationship between conflict and stress, conflict from a personality perspective, and the role of leadership theory in conflict management. With this literature review, it can provide an understanding to leaders in giving attention and needs to stakeholders in the organization by analyzing and minimizing conflict and stress with an approach and openness to every problem that occurs, both internal and external. The strategy of family and mutual openness has a positive impact on reducing conflict and stress in the organization. In fact, life is expected to be harmonious and sustainable by prioritizing concepts and upholding respect and mutual respect among others and being optimistic about making changes, being grateful and patient for everything that has been ordained by Allah. As a leader who is a role model in making decisions fairly and wisely and needs to strive to manage time, solve problems and share experiences in leading.</em></p> Marliza Oktapiani, Hesti Azrina, Ziyah Fadilatus Sya'ban ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DA'WAH IN ISLAM: CORE TENETS AND CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES <p><em>Da'wah, an integral aspect of Islam, plays a pivotal role in spreading the religion's message and guiding individuals towards the path of righteousness. This paper delves into the fundamental principles of Da'wah in Islam, elucidating its significance and purpose as an obligation for every Muslim. The study explores how Da'wah serves as a means to foster understanding, compassion, and love among diverse human communities, transcending barriers of caste, creed, race, color, language, and nationality. Furthermore, the paper delves into the challenges that Da'wah encounters in the modern context. In a rapidly changing world, where communication channels are constantly evolving, Muslims face unique obstacles while disseminating the message of Islam. The study analyzes how technological advancements, cultural dynamics, and misinterpretations of Islamic teachings pose challenges to effective Da'wah efforts. The research draws upon primary sources such as the Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet (SAW), as well as contemporary scholarly works, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Through critical analysis, the study emphasizes the significance of embracing Da'wah as a meritorious service to Allah and His religion while recognizing the importance of addressing the contemporary challenges to ensure the continued dissemination of Islam's message of peace, justice, and fairness.</em></p> Bello Ali ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 EFFECTIVENESS OF AQIDAH VALUES IN BUILDING MODERATE PERSONALITY <p><em>The phenomenon of disparity between religious communities in general and Muslim communities in particular with the teachings of their religion is getting sharper today, so that the consequences often give birth to attitudes and actions that are not commendable and deviate from the teachings of their religion. Acts of sexual harassment that occur in the educational environment both at school are quite high. According to the report of the Federation of Indonesian Teachers' Unions (FSGI), from January to February 2023, there have been 86 cases of sexual harassment among educational institutions, both in schools, madrasah, and even boarding schools, and ironically FSGI data found that 50% of cases of sexual violence occurred at the SD / MI level, then another 10% at the junior high school level, and the remaining 40% at boarding schools. Actually, all values are generally very relative, summarized in the frame of a triangle of universal values (truth, goodness, beauty) which serves as the main footing for everyone in building their beliefs so that they refer to high ethics. This research uses a descriptive approach, critical analysis of various sources contained in the main sources of Islamic teachings and the works of Muslim scholars, especially the work of Hamid Zahron (2005) entitled: (</em><em>القيم والتنمية البشرية</em><em> ) published by Majlis A'la Lissaqofah. Lajnah Tarbiyah, Cairo, and the work of Jabir Qomihah (1983) entitled (</em><em>القيم الإسلامية</em><em>) published: Darul Kitab Al Misry. Cairo. The study of this is very important because of several arguments.</em></p> Abdul Hadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MILLENNIAL DAIS AND COLONIAL DAIS IN PREACHING THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA <p><em>The context of the research in writing this dissertation is Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Watshaap and Tiktok are part of social media which is a hallmark of the Globalization Era. Social media has an impact on all humans who live in it, so they have to adapt to all developments in these communication technologies. Preachers are part of society that must exist in any era, including in the current Era of Globalization, but it is very unfortunate that there are still many preachers, both millennial and colonial preachers, who do not maximize this social media as a means of media for their da'wah so that the good substance</em> <em>of da'wah they do not arrive at the object of preaching efficiently, so that our society in this era is still far from the values ​​of obedience to Allah SWT.</em></p> <p><strong><em>The purpose of this research</em></strong><em> is first to prove the initial assumptions and hypotheses, that there is no difference between millennial preachers and colonial preachers regarding their adaptation in using social media as a medium of da'wah, secondly to find out the difference in focus of millennial preachers and colonial preachers in using Those Socials Media as a means of media for their da'wah. Third, to find out the difference between Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Watshaap, and Tiktok as a da’wah medium.</em></p> <p><strong><em>The approach in this dissertation research</em></strong><em> uses a descriptive quantitative approach. Quantitative research develops differences between Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Watshaap and Tiktok in their use as media for preaching to millennial preachers and colonial preachers. This type of research uses certain statistics to find out the difference between 5 core variables, namely Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Watshaap and Tiktok, towards 2 branch variables, namely millennial preachers and colonial preachers, so that the statistical results will produce differences between the first 5 variables and the next 2 variables. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire which will be distributed to several associations of millennial preachers and colonial preachers with their various backgrounds. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions or verification. Checking the validity of the data using the triangulation method.</em><strong><em>The results of the study</em></strong><em> show that (1) there is a difference between millennial preachers and colonial preachers regarding their adaptation in using social media as a da'wah media (2) there is a difference between Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Watshaap and Tiktok as da'wah media for preachers</em><strong><em>The research findings explain</em></strong><em> (1) Implementation of the more important extension of colonial preachers compared to millennial preachers regarding the urgency of using social media as a medium of da'wah. (2) Implementation of the more important training of colonial preachers compared to millennial preachers regarding the use of social media Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Wathsaap and Tiktok as media for da'wah. (3) Implementation of a media team for both millennial preachers and colonial preachers as an effort to use social media efficiently as a medium of da'wah. (4) Implementation of the importance of stakeholders in da'wah both in Government and Non-Government to always upgrade preachers in using social media.</em></p> Hendra Wijaya ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 27 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000