Spektra: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial 2024-06-14T04:35:04+00:00 Khalis Open Journal Systems <p>Spektra: Jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial</p> GOVERNMENT COALITION PARTIES' INTEREST CONFLICT AND THEIR ETHICS BASED ON SURAH AL-MUMTAHANAH 2024-05-20T06:35:46+00:00 Sunardi Bashri Iman <p>A multi-party system of governance, which is based on idiosyncratically and culturally diverse identities, is so prone to disintegration that it will erode public trust. Government confidence and authority declined as a result of problems that emerged as government coalitions were formed. The most notable of these included the rejection of influence, the politicization of the law, the arrogance of officials, the repudiation of offices, and the accumulation of wealth in unwarranted ways. The author's motivation to solve the formula problem, "What is the ethics of coalition multi-party government from the perspective of the Quran's interpretation of Surah Al-Mumtahanah verses eight and nine?" stems from the aforementioned issue. Descriptive and qualitative analysis research on the ethical normative analysis conducted in the Republic of Indonesia's cabinet between 2019 and 2024 is associated with the principles of Quranic ethics, which call for cooperation. The novel observation made by the author is that the coalition is a close-knit political organization that does not marginalize friends and instead stands tall and sits low, unlike a two-legged, power-sharing political party. Coalitions also foster cooperation, which advances mankind, fosters justice, and unites people.</p> 2024-04-19T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ECONOMIC RIGHTS OF WOMEN UNDER SOKOTO CALIPHATE: A LESSON FOR CONTEMPORARY WOMEN IN NIGERIA 2024-06-11T02:55:16+00:00 Murtala Hanafi murtalahanafi7@gmail.con <p>This paper economic rights of women under the Sokoto Caliphate, a lesson for women of contemporary Nigeria, discusses the various economic activities which women engaged themselves in Sokoto without interference from the men. Rights of women have occupied prominent place in the scheme of Islamic affairs from the inception of Islamic message. It is no longer a history to state that the Prophet (S.A.W) upgraded the status of women from what is used to be and made them equal with the male gender throughout the period of his Prophet hood. Part of the rights accorded women in the early days of Islam includes economic right. This paper highlight some of the entrepreneurship which women engaged in and also challenges which they face in the caliphate before now. It also discussed are the rights enjoy by Muslim women in Sokoto. Adequate attention is devoted to the proprietary and the employment rights of women in Sokoto as well as other such challenges effecting enjoyment of rights accorded Muslim, women in Islam to cater for their economic well-being. The paper is structured into major parts starting with proprietary right of women in Islam contemporary to the economic rights of women in Nigeria. As a lesson and challenges to the cotemporary women in Nigeria. The study adopted qualitative research method where secondary sources of data were utilised and analysis as its methods of analysis.</p> 2024-04-19T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Ethnic Dynamics in Northern Senatorial Zone, Taraba State, Nigeria: An Inter-Group Perspective 2024-06-14T04:35:04+00:00 Bello Ali Salihu Lawal <p>This paper, titled "Inter-Group Relations and Peace in the Northern Senatorial Zone, Taraba State, Nigeria: A Study of Ethnic Dynamics," explores the relationships among diverse ethnic groups in Taraba State's Northern Senatorial Zone. Utilizing qualitative methods, particularly a narrative research design, the study delves into the dynamics of coexistence and tensions among ethnic groups, with a focus on indigenous communities such as the Fulbe, Hausa, Jenjo, Mumye, Wurkun, and others. Data collection involved interviews, participatory observations, and contextual analysis of documentary sources.The findings underscore the rich cultural diversity of Taraba State, where Traditional religions, Islam, and Christianity coexist within localities, deeply rooted in family identities. Historical connections among ethnic groups, characterized by peaceful coexistence, have been disrupted since the creation of Taraba State, leading to ethno-religious conflicts influenced by factors such as ethnic superiority, religious sentiments, and economic disparities. Challenges identified encompass disunity, power struggles, ethnic identity concerns, and unfavorable government policies, revealing the intricate nature of inter-group relations in the zone. Addressing these challenges necessitates collaborative efforts involving traditional, political, governmental, non-governmental, and religious entities. Recommendations to foster lasting harmony include increasing awareness and education, establishing dialogue platforms, promoting interfaith dialogue, empowering local communities, enhancing security measures, collaborating with NGOs, and conducting media sensitization campaigns to encourage responsible reporting and unity among diverse communities.</p> 2024-04-19T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPACT OF QUR’ANIC MORAL EXCELLENCE ON THE LIVES OF MUSLIM SOCIETY: AN EXPOSITION 2024-06-11T13:55:39+00:00 Muhammad Maga Sule Attahir Shehu Mainiyo <p>The Glorious Qur’an, as the central religious text of Islam addresses various aspects of human life and provides guidance for personal and societal development. It also outlines the moral excellence for individuals and communities, focusing on spiritual, moral and social dimensions. The Glorious Qur’an recognizes the challenges faced by humanity and encourages efforts towards global human development. It however harps on the cultivation of moral virtues and ethical behavior thereby promoting justice, honesty, compassion, humility, patience and generosity. Principles of social justice and equality and the calls for eradication of discrimination based on race, gender as well as social status have aptly been captured in a plethora of Qur’anic verses. It is thus in line with this backdrop that this article intends to assess the impact of Qur’anic moral excellence on the lives of Muslim society towards human moral development. However, to achieve the objectives of the research, the article attempts to answer some basic questions. How did the Qur’an emphasize the need for social cohesion and working together to address societal challenges? What efforts are necessary for enhancing human moral development? What are the contributing factors toward promoting justice, peace and well-being of human society? What are the principles the Qur’an provides for effective navigation towards a better future for all? The article adopts analytical methodology.</p> 2024-04-19T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENDIDIKAN DAN PERUBAHAN SOSIAL 2024-06-11T14:00:22+00:00 Mu'allimah Rodhiyana <p>Pendidikan dan Perubahan Sosial. Keduanya saling berhubungan satu dengan yang lain, keduanya saling mempengaruhi, sehingga berdampak luas di masyarakat. Pendidikan adalah lembaga yang dapat di jadikan agen pembaharuan atau perubahan sosial dan sekaligus menentukan arah Perubahan Sosial yang disebut dengan pembangunan masyarakat. Sedangkan perubahan sosial yang terjadi dalam masyarakat setiap kalinya dapat direncanakan dengan arah perubahan yang ingin dicapai. Namun perubahan sosial juga dapat terjadi setiap saat tanpa harus direncanakan terlebih dahulu disebabkan pengaruh budaya dari luar. Pendidikan sejak dulu sampai sekarang merupakan hal terpenting dalam hidup manusia. Pendidikan memberikan kemajuan pemikiran umat manusia, sehingga taraf hidup mereka meningkat. Dalam perkembangannya dari zaman ke zaman pendidikan berubah menjadi suatu sistem. Suatu sistem pendidikan yang tersusun secara sistematis diatur dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 20 tahun 2003 tentang Undang-Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Pasal 11 ayat 1, yang menjelaskan bahwa pendidikan dilaksanakan melalui 3 jalur yaitu pendidikan formal, nonformal,dan informal. Ketiga jalur pendidikan ini satu sama lain saling berkait dan membutuhkan untuk melakukan perubahan sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat kelak. Selain ketiga jalur tersebut anak-anak Indonesia wajib menempuh pendidikan “wajib belajar 9 tahun”, sebagai program pemerintah dalam meningkatkan SDM masyarakat Indonesia.</p> 2024-04-20T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##