• Firdha Uzhami SMK Budi Perkasa
  • Nurul Hasanah Fajaria
Keywords: Synetics techniques, vocabulary, acquisition


The research consists of two variables, namely the independent variable (Synectics Technique)
and the dependent variable (Vocabulary Acquisition). The purpose of this research is to find
out whether or not there is significant effect of synectics technique on students’ vocabulary
acquisition. This research was conducted on grade ten students of SMK Budi Perkasa Tambun
Selatan in academic year of 2017/2018. Research method used in this research was quasi
experimental, quantitative and the design was randomized post-test only control group design.
The analysis using SPSS-based One Way Anova Formula produced significance (Sig.) value
of 0.033. since the significance value was smaller than (<)0.05, Ho is rejected and HAis
accepted. (Fobserved)5.018 also showed that is higher than the critical value of (Ftable) (at the
significant level of 0.05 and df (1; 60)), namely 4.02. it can be concluded that Fobserved (5.018)
> Ftable (4.02). Accordingly the research concludes that there is significant effect of synectics
technique on grade ten students’ vocabulary acquisition at SMK Budi Perkasa Tambun Selatan
in the Academic Year of 2017-2018.


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