• Masrul Masrul Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai
  • Santi Erliana Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palangka Raya
Keywords: dynamic assessment, writing skill, writing ability, academic writing


This research was carried out to investigate factors related to writing skills and writing ability and how they influence writing skills and writing ability. Participants were 100 undergraduate students aged 18 to 21 at Indonesian Islamic University, consisting of 85 females and 15 males. Two different data analysis were performed: the Hierarchical Factorial Test to identify factors that can share meaningful correlation and a multiple regression test to examine the effect of an independent variable on the dependent variable. The findings showed that all variables of this research including content, organization, vocabulary, language, mechanics, thesis statement, blueprint, main idea, supporting, link, linker, fluency, logical order, rewordings, and clincher are contributing factors to the dependent variables. Sig value was lesser than 0.05, implying that the seven main factors had simultaneous and significant effects on the logical order variable.


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