• Khilda Shopia Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf
  • Purnawati Purnawati Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf
  • Imam Sudarmaji Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf
Keywords: Need Analysis, Teachers’ Module, Ways of Thinking, ICT-Competences


Globalization and the advancement of technology influence in education fields. In current situations, most of teachers find difficulties in integrating 21st century skills; ICT-Competences and ways of thinking into teaching and learning activity. In other words, teachers and students need to comprehend and prepare themselves with the comprehension ways of thinking and tools for working. Qualitative research was conducted in this study. Descriptive analysis was employed as the methodology of this research to determine and analyze the needs analysis to design the teachers’ module incorporated by ways of thinking and ICT-Competences in English teaching and learning activity. Need analysis was conducted to identify the procedure and the needs in designing the teachers’ module. The data was analyzed using a systematic content descriptive text based on ACTS21S framework descriptors, UNESCO ICT-Competences and the Hutchinson and Waters Need Analysis Process. The result illustrated that there are forty indicator of ways of thinking and ICT competence are formulated and incorporated into the three phase of teaching and learning activity (pre-instructional, instructional, follow-up). There are the target needs and learners need that should be formulated to face the 21st century skills in current education challenges. In short, this study will be helpful for the teacher in preparing students in 21st century skills.


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