Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah SWT because only with His help the plan to publish the Journal of the Social Sciences Spektra  (Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial) can be carried out. This edition contains 8 (eight) scientific articles, these are: Community Development Based On The Great Mosque [Case Study Of Al-Barkah, Bekasi Mosque] Dakwah And The Development Of Islamic Communities by Neneng Luthfiyyah, Badrah Uyuni, Learning Al-Qur'an In Rumah Quran: A Case Study Of Rumah Qur'an Bunda Aisyah by Abdullah Ghulam Nazih, Wakaf Handphone For Students In Remote Learning Times by Dani wahyudi, Secularism And Problematics Of Freedom Of Expression In France by Wisnu Tri Cahyo, Widi Setyawan, Mosque-Based Community Empowerment by Muhammad Jawahir, Badrah Uyuni, The Relevance Of Integrated Islamic Education In Building Nation Characters In The Digital 4.0 Era by Ahmad Rifa’I, Ifham Choli, Renewal Of Islamic Thought by Dahrun Sajadi, Mosque-Based Community Development by Romi Wilham Sutanto. Hopefully, it will be useful. 

Diterbitkan: 2019-03-06