Call of Paper


The journal is published twice a year, in April and October. Focus and Scope of this Journal are: 


Acoustical engineering, Automotive engineering, Energy Engineering, Manufacturing engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Power plant engineering, Thermal engineering  


Management Science and Operational Research, Distribution and Logistic Management, Supply Chain Management, Bussines and management (Performance Management, Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management), Decision science in business and management, and Halal Industry (Halal food, Halal logistics, Halal marketing, Halal packaging, Halal financing, Halal hospitality services, and Business and Management in Islamic/Muslim perspective), Lean manufacturing, Operations improvement and productivity, Innovation management in operations, Product design and development, Operations in the service industry, Quality Management, Total Productive Maintenance, Human Factors Engineering.

We invite you to submit your paper to Baut Dan Manufaktur : Jurnal Keilmuan Teknik Mesin dan Teknik Industri. The deadlines for submitting papers are:

Volume 5 No. 1, April 2024, submission deadline: February 28, 2024
Volume 5 No. 2, October 2024, submission deadline: August 31, 2024

For guideline on how you can submit your paper, please click HERE