• Damrah Mamang


The commitment, step, and efforts to realize the vision of Indonesia as a
democratic constitutional state law based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution
is a necessity and the duty of every constitutional state officials as well as citizens
and even the whole nation, regardless of political and social strata bears. In the
perspective of philosophical, sociological, and juridical, can be formulated in a
dynamic perception that in a democratic constitutional state, a profile of the
country remains the ideal state at once realistic that can be manifested. In the
context of Indonesia, for example, a living reality, Indonesia as a unitary state
republic Indonesia is a country of law (the rule of law) must always be built and
lived in a discursive procedure. For the law to be created and applied in a manner
yng properly, fairly and impartially, that's the ideal law namely that the law is built
on and the value of ethics and high morality of a nation. In the perspective of
philosophy of law ideal of a state of law is Bonum Commune, namely the creation
of a political sisial system that guarantees the fulfillment of the basic needs of all
citizens fairly. This is the mandate of the sacral fundamental in the history of the
republic of Indonesia reached the age of 71 years of independence from the five
precepts of Pancasila, seliruh social justice for the people of Indonesia,


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