(Menegosiasikan Rezim Internasional, Kepentingan Nasional, dan Solidaritas Keumatan Islam)

  • Rohmad Adi Yulianto


that true religious and social solidarity is a supporting factor in the handling of
refugees in Indonesia. The groups are voicing solidarity keumatan Islam as the
cornerstone of refugee protection in Indonesia, either by the strengthening of the
civil society as well as with the approach of religious behavior such as infaq,
zakat, sadaqah, sacrificial, and pegumpulannya used to fund the protection and
handling of refugees in Indonesia, even some group voiced that the oppressed
Muslim Rohingya refugees to be recognized as part of the citizens of Indonesia,
this is all a form of commodification of religion in handling the issue of refugees in
Indonesia. Although there are no clear synchronization between community
solidarity with national interests, even precisely tend paradox, but unconsciously
commoditization of religion in handling the issue of refugees is precisely
strengthen the role of the international regime to intervene against the national
interests of the handling of refugees in Indonesia.


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Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Imigrasi No. IMI-1489.UM.08.05 tahun 2010 tentang
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