Civil Liability To Customers In Digital Banking Reviewed From Law No. 11 Year 2008 About Information And Electronic Transactions Based On Justice

  • Hokkop Dedy Coy Nababan Universitas Bung Karno


In Indonesia, financial bankĀ  institutions have a special mission and function, so Indonesian banking besides having a normal function, also has a function that is directed as an agent of development, namely as an institution that aims to support the implementation of national development in order to increase development equity. and the results, economic growth and national stability, lead to an increase in the standard of living of the common people. In this thesis, the author discusses about civil law arrangements based on the Information and Electronic Transaction Law No. 11 year 2008 between digital banking and customers. And also civil responsibility for digital banking customers based on the Information and Electronic Transaction Law No. 11 year 2008 which is based on justice. The method in this study uses a normative juridical approach, which is a legal research method that is carried out by examining literature or secondary data. Normative legal research has a scope in the form of legal principles, legal systematics, statutory regulations, comparative law, legal history, as well as all matters relating to the elements of legal reform. In the civil sphere, especially the engagement aspect, the meaning of the transaction will refer to civil society, especially the engagement aspect, the meaning of electronic legal transactions itself will include buying and selling, licenses, insurance, leasing and other agreements that were born in accordance with the development of trade mechanisms in society. From this study, it was concluded that banks must act proactively and prioritize the security of customer data and money by protecting them using preventive methods. And also civil liability that must be contained in a clause which is contained in every agreement included to Digital Banks and customers.
