• Irwansyah Na Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah
  • Tjiptogoro Dinarjo Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah
Keywords: developed desain, performance, information security awareness, competence, perception of organizational support, and motivation


This research aims to analyze the factors which influence on Mottled guardian HR performance
information security managers, analyze the relationship of those factors to the performance of HUMAN
RESOURCES, and analyze process architecture HR performance information security manager.
Research data consists of primary data obtained directly through survey questionnaires and data
obtained through secondary examination against the literature and documents. The sampling method
is used in stratified random sampling is. From a population of 324 Crypto HR 140 people obtained as
samples. This analysis method used in this research is the way the structure equation models (SEM)
using Lisrel.
The results showed the dominant factor of HUMAN RESOURCES Manager performance of
developed desain of information security is the awareness of information security (Information Security
Awareness/ISA), competence, perception of support organizations (Perceive Organizational
Support/posts), and motivation. As for the relationship of those factors is a good fit of the structural
model fit four (4) that the variable information security Awareness (ISA) significantly associated with
variable perceptions of Support Organizations (POS), variable perception of Support Organizations
(POS) significantly associated with variable Motivations, variable Competence associated with
variable significant motivation, Motivation is related to significant and variable with variable
HR Manager-performance of developed desain of information security is done through a process
of formation of a culture of security awareness information (ISA) to HR and all officials so that
information security is a requirement of the organization. Improved support of institutional setup
Organization through in the management of information security in the provincial government. Improve
the competence of HUMAN RESOURCES so competent in the management of information security of
the provincial government. With the increase of competence and support organizations will establish a
Motivation of HUMAN RESOURCES so as to improve the performance of Crypto Kripto in HR
management of information security at provincial governmen

How to Cite
NaI., & DinarjoT. (2019). RANCANG BANGUN KINERJA SDM PENGELOLA KEAMANAN INFORMASI PADA PEMERINTAH DAERAH. Akademika : Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan, 5(02), 71-88. https://doi.org/10.34005/akademika.v5i02.302